Welcome to DogFriend The place where you can find many useful informations about your dog - ![]()
The dog is man's best friend, but it is under some assumptions thatany dog owner should know:What I have in mind is that the dog must have some decentconditions for you to consider it as your best friend. We talk about the upbringing and care of the dog, we talk aboutcompany and we talk about what type of dog that is suitable foryour temperament. If you choose a hunting dog, so be prepared for such a dogrequires plenty of exercise, just for an example. The dog is 100% dependent on its owner. Precisely why I used this image of a very sick, but also very happy poodle. It shows the dependence dog to itsowner - if not this poodle had been nurtured and cared for with all applicable rules, it had been dead. It's a dog that I have taken to me for the owners to get the dog to stand up again after a major back surgery. The dog was paralyzedat the time the photo was taken, but the dog is recovering well,because of rehabilitation. If you are prepared when you want a dog, then you have the opportunity to get world's best friend within your own doors, but it isup to you. You can be on my web page to find a series of E-Books, which deals with dog training, dog feeding, cleanliness and more. Click on the section E-books and you will find the selected books. You can see more describtion about the illness at my web-site - Fie and her Herniation. If you order the E-Book about Fie now, you can receive it about the 1st. April. The price will be US dollar 10,- for a download (half price) Just send me an email - for a reservation. www.dogfriend.yolasite.com |